L. Frey‡, J. Zhou‡,*. G. Cereghetti, M. Emanuel, D. Rhyner, A. Pokharna, L. Wenchel, H. Kadavath, M. Weber, Y. Cao, B. Meier, M. Peter, J. Greenwald, R. Riek*, R. Mezzenga*. A structural rationale for reversible vs irreversible amyloid fibril formation from a single protein. Nature Communications. 15(1), 1-11, 2024.
J. Zhou, A. Salvatore, M. Tatli, J. Tian, I. Illie, E. Starostin, A. Calflisch, T. Knowles, G. Dietler, F. Ruggeri, H. Stahlberg, S. Sekatskii, R. Mezzenga*. The role of inter-protofilament interaction in the formation mechanism of hierarchically twisted protein nanofibrils. Advanced Sciences. 11(32), 2402740, 2024.
J. Zhou‡,*, C. Liao‡,*, M. Villalba, C. Xiong, Cong. Zhao, L. Venturelli, D. Liu, A. Kohler, S. Sekatskii, G. Dietler, Y. Wang*, S. Kasas*. An optical fiber-based nanomotion sensor for rapid antibiotic and antifungal susceptibility test. Nano Letters 24 (10), 2980-2988, 2024. (Front Cover Paper).
D. Xu‡, J. Zhou‡,*, W. Soon, I. Kutzli, A. Moliere, M. Radiom, S. Handschin, B. Li, L. Li, C. Ewald and R. Mezzenga*. Food protein amyloids are safe intergrades for human nutrition Food Amyloid Fibrils as Safe Nutrition Ingredients: In-vitro and In-vivo Assessment. Nature Communications 14(1) 6806, 2023 (co-first author, co-corresponding author).
J. Zhou, T. Li, M. Peydayesh, M. Usuelli, V. Bueno, J. Teng, L. Wang and R. Mezzenga*. Oat plant amyloids for sustainable functional materials. Advanced Sciences 9(4), 2104445, 2022. (Front Cover Paper)
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